Monday, January 6, 2014

Gond ke Laddu

1. गोंद के लड्डू - Gond ke Laddu recipe

Gond is an "edible gum" that is extracted from the bark of a tree. It is available in crystal form as pearly yellowish translucent pieces of varying sizes. The bigger crystals are more expensive. Gond is a "healty" food i.e. food that provides heat to our body and is usually had only in the winters. It is deep fried in ghee and then added to the dish it is being used in. I have also discovered that if you dry roast it on a non-stick pan, it puffs up just like popcorn. This is a great way to cut down on those unnecessary calories. These delicious gond laddus are a traditional winter delicacy that are had with a glass of warm milk for breakfast. I personally prefer them as a dessert after a nice meal.


1 1/4 cups whole wheat flour (gehun ka atta)
3 tbsp edible gum (gaund)
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/2 tsp cardamom (elaichi) powder
1/4 cup ghee

Other ingredients 

ghee for deep frying


  1. Heat the ghee in a pan, add the whole wheat flour and roast it over a slow flame while stirring continuously till the flour turns golden brown. Allow it to cool.
  2. Deep fry the gaund in hot ghee, one tablespoon at a time till the pieces puff up. Drain on absorbent paper and keep aside.
  3. Add the powdered sugar, fried gaund and cardamom powder to the roasted wheat flour and mix well.
  4. Divide the mixture into 15 portions and shape each portion into round laddus using your hands. If you find it difficult to shape the laddus, add a little melted ghee.
  5. Store in an air-tight container.

2. गोंद के लड्डू - Gond ke Laddu recipe


  • 200 g gond
  • 1 cup wheat flour
  • 2 cups sugar
  •  1 cup ghee
  •  50 g almonds
  •  10 small cardamom

  • Break the gond crystals in small pieces
  • Take a fry pan and fry the gond until they pop bigger.    
  • Put the ghee in a frying pan heat it and fry the gond until they become more popped.
  • Take out the fried gond from the pan.
  • Take the flour and fry in the same pan with the remaining ghee till light golden color.
  • Now chopped the almonds in thin sliced and make the powder of the cardamom.
  • After cooling the fried gond grind it.
  • Take sugar and water in a pan and make the sugar syrup, let the syrup to be boiled.
  • Now check the syrup is ready by putting a drop on a plate, if it is ready then it will be freeze immediately.
  • Mix well gond, fried flour, almonds, cardamom powder in the syrup
  • Let the mixture to be little cool and make the small laddus of the mixture.
  • Let the laddus to be in open air for 1-2 hr.
  • Now laddus are ready can serve and store in an air tight box.

3. गोंद के लड्डू - Gond ke Laddu recipe

सामग्री (Ingredients)

200 ग्राम गोंद (200gm gond)

200 ग्राम गेहूं का आटा (200gm wheat flour)

200 ग्राम चीनी (200gm sugar)

250 ग्राम घी (250gm ghee)

एक टेबल स्पून खरबूजे के बीज (1 tbs melons seeds)

20-25 बादाम (20-25 almonds)

10 छोटी इलाइची (10 small cardamom)

विधि – (process)

गोंद के अगर ज्यादा मोटे टुकड़े हो तो उसे तोड़ कर थोड़ा बारीक कर लीजिये। कढाई में घी डालकर गरम कीजिये, गरम घी में थोड़ा थोड़ा गोंद डाल कर तलिये (गोंद घी में पापकार्न की तरह फूलता है, गोंद को बिलकुल धीमी आग पर ही तलिये ताकि वह अन्दर तक अच्छी तरह भुन जाय)। गोंद के अच्छी तरह फूलने और सिकने के बाद प्लेट में निकालिये, फिर से और गोंद कढ़ाई में डालिये, तल कर निकाल लीजिये, सारा गोंद इसी तरह तल कर निकाल लीजिये।

आटा छानिये और बचे हुये घी में डालकर हल्का गुलाबी होने तक भून कर थाली में निकाल लीजिए। बादाम को छोटा छोटा काट लीजिये। इलाइची छील कर कूट लीजिये। गोंद के ठंडा हो जाने पर थाली में ही बेलन से दबाव डालकर थोड़ा और बारीक कर लीजिये।

कढ़ाई में चीनी और 3/4 कप पानी डालिये, चाशनी बनाने रख दीजिये, चाशनी में उबाल आने के बाद 3- 4 मिनिट तक उबलने दीजिये। जमने वाली कनसिस्टैन्सी की चाशनी ( चाशनी की एक बूंद प्लेट में गिराइये, अपनी अंगुली और अंगूठे के बीच चाशनी को चिपका कर देखिये, अगर चाशनी मोटा तार निकालते हुये चिपकती है तब चाशनी बन चुकी है) बनाइये। आग बन्द कर दीजिये।

चाशनी में भुना हुआ गोंद, भुना हुआ आटा, बादाम और इलाइची पाउडर डालिये और अच्छी तरह सभी चीजों को हाथ से मिला लीजिये। मिश्रण से थोड़ा थोड़ा मिश्रण उठाइये और गोल लड्डू बनाकर थाली में लगाइये, सारे मिश्रण से लड्डू बनाकर थाली में लगा लीजिये।

इस मिश्रण को थाली या प्लेट में जमाकर उससे अपने मन पसन्द आकार में काट कर गोंद की बर्फी बना सकते हैं।

परोसने का तरीका (process of serving) – तैयार हैं गोंद के लड्डू। आप इसमे ऊपर से इसमे आप पिस्ता, बादम, काजू, किशमिश आदि भी डाल सकते है। इसे आप बनाते ही खा सकते हैं या इसे रखकर कुछ दिनों तक खाया जा सकता है।

4. गोंद के लड्डू - Gond ke Laddu recipe

सर्दियों के मौसम में जब शरीर में बिल्‍कुल भी ऊर्जा ना हो तो आप ऊर्जा पाने के लिये इस गोंद के लड्डू को बना सकती हैं। इस लड्डू से ना आपको एनर्जी मिलेगी बल्कि गर्मी भी प्राप्‍त होगी। रोजाना सुबह नाश्ते में 1 या 2 लड्डू गोंद के खाइये और सर्दी में अपने आप को स्वस्थ रखिये। यह गोंद का लड्डू राजस्‍थान में खासतौर पर बनाया जाता है। आप चाहें तो लड्डू की जगह पर बर्फी भी बना सकती हैं। इसे खाने से आपके बच्‍चों को सर्दी नहीं लगेगी और उन्‍हें ताकत भी आएगी। तो चलिये आज ट्राई करते हैं गोंद के लड्डू।

सामग्री- 1 कप गोंद
 1/2 कप आटा
 2 कप चीनी
 1 कप घी 
1 चम्‍मच खरबूजे का बीज थोड़े से बादाम
 10 छोटी इलायची

विधि सबसे पहले गोंद को बारीक तोड़ लीजिये। फिर कढ़ाई में घी डाल कर गरम कीजिये। जब घी गरम हो जाए तब उसमें गोंद डाल कर तल लीजिये, जब यह तल कर फूल जाए तब इसे एक प्‍लेट में निकाल लीजिये। सारा गोंद इसी तरह से तल कर निकाल लें। अब आटा छानिए और बचे हुये घी में डालकर हल्का गुलाबी होने तक भून ले। बादाम को छोटा-छोटा काट लें और इलाइची को छीलकर कूट लीजिए। गोंद के ठंडा हो जाने पर उसे थोड़ा और बारीक कर लें। कढ़ाई में चीनी और तीन चौथाई कप पानी डालकर चाशनी बनाएं। चाशनी में उबाल आने दें। चाशनी की एक बूंद प्लेट में गिराइए। अब चाशनी को चेक कीजिये कि वह मोटी हो चुकी है या नहीं। चाशनी में भुना हुआ गोंद, भुना हुआ आटा, बादाम और इलाइची पाउडर डालकर अच्छी तरह मिक्स करें। अब मिश्रण से लड्डू तैयार कर के थाली में रखें। गोंद के लड्डुओं को एक-दो घंटे तक हवा में ही रहने दें। आपके लड्डू तैयार हैं।

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Salai Guggul

We have in store a wide range of herbal powder like Salai Guggal. Our company has developed a modern processing infrastructure in order to make pure and contamination free herbal powders. These herbal powders are acknowledged for the notable properties like purity, free from contamination and high nutritional value. 

Main properties:
Fine grinding
Free from contamination
High herbal value

Benefits :-
Medical investigations have shown that the gum-oleoresin, known as ‘salai guggul’, is beneficial in cases of rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and ulcerative colitis with no side effects as those seen with traditional drugs of choice. Boswellia was also found to improve blood supply to the joints and restore integrity of vessels weakened by spasm. 

According to a review of unpublished studies, preliminary double-blind trials have found boswellia effective in relieving the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Two placebo-controlled studies, involving a total of 81 individuals with rheumatoid arthritis, reported significant reductions in swelling and pain over the course of 3 months. 

In one study conducted at the Government Medical College in Jammu, India, nearly 60 percent of arthritic patients tested experienced good to excellent results against stiffness and pain. Over three-quarters of the patients in the study were either bedridden or incapacitated from doing normal work. Within two to four weeks after starting on the B. serrata extract, they reported a lessening of morning joint stiffness, pain, and improved grip strength. In another study of 26 patients suffering from arthritic knees, dramatic improvement was experienced within four weeks. 

Experimental and clinical usage of boswellia indicates it has none of the side effects on blood pressure, heart rate, gastric irritation and ulcers associated with many anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic drugs. It is now an approved herbal medicine in India for use against osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, soft tissue rheumatism, low back pain, myositis and fibrositis. 

Animal studies have suggested that boswellia lowers cholesterol and triglyceride (a type of fat) levels in the blood. In other controlled human studies, boswellia was shown to decrease the duration of bronchial asthma, possibly by blocking formation of the chemicals that cause the blood vessels to contract. Also has shown to be effective in epilepsy.

Katira Gond

Tragacanth gum comes from a thorny shrub which is native to western Asia, Iraq, Iran and the Middle East. It is a tree gum like myrrh, frankincense and balm of Gilead, and can be used, along with the stems of the plant as incense. It comes from a number of Astragalus species, but the one which produces the best quality gum is Astragalus gummifer or gummifera. The gum exudes naturally from the roots of the plant and from incisions made in the stem. This is collected and when dried forms crystals of flakes or may be formed into blocks. The plant is a member of the pea family of plants, Fabaceae, and produces pods like other members of the Leguminous family such as carob trees. 

The shrub is pollinated by bees and butterflies and is a useful nitrogen-fixing plant. You may think you have never eaten gum Tragacanth, but the odds are that you have as it is a food additive known in the food industry as E 413. It is used as a thickening agent in sauces, ice cream and confectionery, and is also used in the cosmetics industry. It helps bind other ingredients together.  

It is also used in the textile industry to thicken dyes for fabric, to make glue, for water colors and to produce the gloss in ink, among other uses including the manufacture of paper.

1. Tragacanth is more resistant to acid hydrolysis than other hydro colloids and is preferred in the preparation of acidic compounds. It has also been used as a binder and stabilizer in preparing cosmetics and hand lotions, to stiffen cloth, as a glue in bookbinding, and in making candy and other products . The herb is used as well in denture adhesives and toothpastes and as a bulk-forming laxative . In African folk medicine, tragacanth is used as a mild laxative; the leaves are used to prepare a first aid lotion .
2. Also used in Constipation,Diarrhea.
3. Externally the gum has been used in traditional medicine for dressing burns, and it is now believed that it might have anti-tumor properties, and could stimulate the immune system.
4. Gond Katira Drink-> For Summer
1 small piece of gond katira, or Tragacanth gum, soaked in water overnight
1 tbsp juice of fresh lemon, optional
1 glass water
1 tbsp sugar

When the crystals have swollen and turned gelatinous take one or two small fragments and mix in cold water with the sugar and lemon juice if using and add ice.
Drink while cool.

Babul Gum

Acacia, popularly known as babul, is a large tree, upto 14 meters high, with thorns on its branches. It has darkish grey bark and yellow flowers in spherical heads.

Babul tree is indigenous to Sind in Pakistan. It occurs wild in India and tropical Africa. It is planted for its bark. The tree yields a gum, known as babul gum. The bark of babul tree contains tannin and Gallic acid. The leaves and fruits of the tree also contain tannin and Gallic acid. 

Healing Power and Curative Properties of Babul

The leaves, the bark, the pods and the gum of the tree have medicinal virtues. The pods help remove catarrhal matter

and phlegm from the bronchial tubes. The gum allays any, irritation of the skin and soothes the inflamed membranes of the pharynx, alimentary canal and genito-urinary organs.

The various parts of babul tree are useful in diarrhoea of ordinary intensity. A mixture of equal parts of the tender leaves with white and black cumin seeds (zeera) can be administered in doses of 12 grams, thrice daily. An infusion made of the bark of the tree may also be taken thrice daily for the same purpose. The gum, used either in decoction or in syrup, is an effective medicine for diarrhoea.

Teeth Disorders
Chewing of fresh bark of this tree daily, helps strengthen loose teeth and arrest any bleeding from the gums. Dirty teeth can be cleaned effectively by brushing them with a powder in which 60 grams of charcoal of babul wood, 24 grams of roasted alum and 12 grams of rock salt have been included.

The bark of babul tree is useful in the treatment of eczema. About 25 grams each of this bark and the mango bark should be boiled in about I liter of water and the vapors allowed to foment the affected part. After the fomentation, the affected part should be anointed with ghee.

A decoction of the bark, mixed with rock salt, should be used as a gargle in treating tonsilitis.

The leaves of babul tree are effective in the treatment of conjuctivitis. The leaves, ground to a paste, should be applied on the affected eyes at night, supported by a bandage which should be untied the next morning. This removes pain and redness.

The leaves are beneficial in treating epiphora that is watering of the eyes, in which tears flow onto the cheeks due to abnormality of the tear drainage system. About 250 grams of leaves should be boiled in one and a quarter liter of water until only a quarter liter of water is left. This should then be filtered and kept in a well-corked botde. The eye-lids should be painted morning and evening with this liquid.

The bark of the tree is useful in leucorrhoea. Its decoction should be used as a vaginal douche for treating this disorder.


Salvia plebeian or “kamarkas” according to its Indian name, which is known and used widely right from the ancient times. It has its description and usage in ayurveda and thus is an excellent herb. It is useful in curing a lot of ailments. This plant is useful as refreshment and sterile for promoting urination and is useful in thread worm infections. 

1. It flowers, bark and gum are astringent. Seed is curative. Leaves alleviate pain and swelling. In retention of urine, warm flowers and leaves are tied over umbilicus and lower abdomen.
2. Decoction of the It bark is used for washing wounds, piles and vaginal discharges.
3. Paste of It seeds is useful in skin disorders, edema and eye disease. Oil is used for massage in rheumatism.
4. It is an appetizer, astringent and liver stimulant.
5. It flowers are antidipsetic; gum is an antacid and astringent. It Kshara is a good laxative.
6. It bark decoction is useful in anorexia, sprue and hemorrhoids.
7. Flowers are useful in dyspepsia and diarrhea.
8. It seed powder if given in a dose of 1 to 3 gram every morning and evening for 3 consecutive days and castor oil on the 4th day acts as vermicidal for round worms –ascaris lumbricoidis. Kshara prepared from the small tree of It is useful in ascites, digestive disturbance and pain.
9. It Kshara is effective in haemoptysis.
10.It bark decoction is effective in fever and cold.
11.It flowers are diuretic, hence useful in dysuria.
12.Steamed It flowers are tied over lower abdomen in retention of urine.
13.Decoction of It flowers is useful in vaginal discharges.
14.Palash flowers powder should be taken as a supplement to maintain the healthy bones. It prevents the age related changes in bones like osteoporosis.
15.Palash Flowers powder is also recommended in excessive menstrual bleeding and white discharge.